Sunday, December 30, 2012

Looking Back, Looking Forward, and the Sore Neck That Comes With It

It's the end of another year. As is custom, we spend this time looking back at the year that was and ahead to the possibilities. Much to the chagrin of a few of my former students, the world did not end this year. Shocking, I know, but here we are. Since the Mayans have proven that not finishing something is not the end of the world, I am certain that there some out there who are not sure how to proceed.

As I look back at 2012, I am reminded of so many fond memories. Of course, the best moment was the birth of my beloved little Barbara. In addition to the joys of parenthood, I enjoyed the arrival of penguins at Calgary Zoo, attending the baby blessings of the newest Oler and Swendsen boys, watching my students graduate in June, moving to a bigger (and much closer) location for work, and reading the novel my big sister published. I reconnected with my Trekkie roots by attending not only the Comic Expo in Calgary, but Spock Days in Vulcan where I picked up autographs from seven Trek stars. I was pleasantly surprised to see the PC party win the last provincial election, especially my old bishop David Dorward winning his first seat in Edmonton. I am very happy for him on that accomplishment as he is very deserving and is doing much good for his constituents. I saw the Arrogant Worms in concert (I've lost count as to how many times), spent time with just about every member of the extended family, and enjoyed good times with many friends. In the new school year I was fortunate to have two great student teachers who really made a difference in my classes. I saw The Hobbit, The Avengers, and The Dark Knight Rises in the theatre, and enjoyed them all very much. Other than my daughter, having the Calgary Temple dedicated this year has been the highlight of 2012. It is so nice to have a fee evening and spend it at the temple. It is getting me a good opportunity to get the ever growing numbers of ancestral temple work done (650 names and counting).

There were some down sides to the year. I said goodbye to the Barber family in October as they moved back to B.C. They are a great family, and I miss their friendship greatly. My good buddy Ricardo left for Arizona to attend dentistry school. His wisdom and testimony are sorely missed. In my world of Muppets, we said good-bye to original Muppeteer Jerry Nelson, who voiced the Count, Harry Monster, Snuffy, Gobo Fraggle, Floyd Pepper, and Kermit's nephew Robin. at school, my principal took a sabbatical to get the course work for his PhD. done. We are doing fine in his absence, but I do miss his wisdom, compassion, and almost daily presence. I know work teams are always changing from year to year, but sometimes you just miss working with special people. And, on a slightly less serious note, my favourite on-line game, City of Heroes, shut down in November. I know it seems silly, but I really miss that game. I had many hours of fun patrolling the streets of Paragon City with some great characters I made, including Darion Hawkwing, Scrappy Lil' Manits, Dr, Sleet, and my favourite, the Guilt Ridden Manits. It's too bad Dayton and I will not be able to get the Arcane Tank and Doc Holiday up to level 50 together, but I enjoyed the time we had. I am looking for another game to fill the void, but have not found it yet.

As I look ahead to the new year, I think of the great things in store. If all goes properly, we will see little Barbara take her first steps, hear her speak her first words, and continue to grow into a beautiful little girl. Matt Harker and I are planning a trip to Las Vegas for the huge Trek convention they have there (and it looks like the wives are wanting to come along with us). Speaking of Trek, the new Star Trek movie is due out next summer, along with Iron Man 3, Wolverine, and Thor 2, as well as the second Hobbit film next Christmas. Yes, not a whole lot of originality, but I like good story telling, and these franchises have often been entertaining for me. Many trips to the temple are expected, and that means lots of ancestry work will be done.

So, on to my last Top Ten list for 2012. I present...

The Top Ten Things from 2012 I Hope Will Go Away in 2013
10. The statement "It is what it is". I really hate this saying. It bugs to me to no end. It almost seems like a cop out response that is so cliche. I want to have good conversations and debates without hearing this once.

9. LOL. I did not mind it too much, but this is the year when I actually heard a few teenagers (one of them being Dayton) saying "Lol" (pronounced "Lawl") instead of laughing. I worry that the English language is being destroyed as we text... er, speak.

8. Honey Boo Boo. Who is this kid? Why is she popular? Just another example of how having so many cable channels is giving us more garbage to watch. I worry what this show is going to to this kid.

7. Hating celebrities because they are successful. I know that this may seem a bit odd to say after my #8, but there is a distinction (in my opinion, at least). I don't like the show Honey Boo Boo, and don't watch it, and I leave it at that. I am not trolling the Internet and spewing hate at every article, video, and posting about her. Now, you take artists like Taylor Swift, Nickelback, Justin Beiber, etc. They have loyal fans and they have some talent Yes, there may be better talent out there, but to say that they are talentless is petty. These artists make huge amounts of money because people like their music. What is weird is that there are about as many haters who seem to have such a depressing life that their only fulfillment is to go out and find every news article on Yahoo and video on YouTube and say the most disgusting and vile things about them. To quote William Shatner, these haters need to "get a life".

6. Zombies. Not sure when this became the flavour of the month in pop culture, but the obsession with vampires (thank you Twilight Saga) has given way to the hordes of the more mindless undead. Mind you, when I see the number of people who are addicted to their smart phones, I can understand how many people feel a kinship towards these mindless corpses shambling along aimlessly.

5. The "Click Like and Type...and see what happens" Facebook postings. This is something I have only noticed recently, but I want it to stop. Someone came up with the idea of posting a picture or something, then tells you to click "Like", type something in the comment section, and "see what happens!" Well, guess what happens. NOTHING! I figured that out at the get go. Now I have a bunch of FB friends that are wanting to trick people the way they were tricked and posting these all over Facebook. I really want this to die quickly.

4. Political Polarization. It is big in the US, and getting bad in Canada, but the middle ground is almost completely gone. People are being forced to the extremes to get what they want politically, and it is bringing out the worst in people. I have actually had to restrict some friends and what they or I can see on Facebook because all of a sudden everyone is an expert on political parties. Everyone has a secret agenda, and nobody that is a part of a different party can possibly have anything positive or god to contribute. Nope. If you voted Wildrose for the last provincial election, then everyone else was an idiot. If you voted PC, same thing. Nobody is allowed to think that both Obama and Romney would have made good presidents if the United States, because that is just unnatural (heavy sarcasm font used here). Right wingers are calling those on the left communists. Left wingers are calling those on the right Nazi fascists. Neither group really understands what the communists and Nazis were about otherwise they would not be using such insults. I think that calling Stephen Harper a Nazi is not only insulting to Canada but is disrespectful to the millions of innocents slaughtered by Hitler's regime. I think calling Jack Layton a communist like Stalin is not only rude to the deceased, but slaps those who fought for freedom from a communist rule right in the face. Disagree if you must, but stop the pettiness.

3. Less talk, more action. My last post addressed what I feel about the gun violence in the US and what should be done about it. Apparently that and some of my FB comments have offended some people because of my stand on the use of semi-automatic and automatic weapons with high bullet capacity. Sorry, but I stand by my statements. What I feared would happen is indeed happening: a lot of people got talking, and then things started boiling down to political posturing and arguing, and nothing real seems to be happening. I know the "guns don't kill people" and "Constitutional Right" arguments, and at one time I believed them, but I just do not feel that way anymore. We are past the point of debate. We need to take action. Yes, I know that gun laws will not solve the problem, but there is a need to include it in the solution. There needs to be more attention and treatment given to mental illness. There needs to be more general 'niceness" in our society in general. I just want action to be taken before another Newtown or Columbine happens.

2. Too Blind to See. This ties into #3 and #4. On many topics, people are too unwilling to see the other side of the argument. There is a difference between conviction and close-mindedness. I think my stand on gun laws is conviction. I understand the other side, and disagree without stooping to name calling and insults. When people hurl insults at the opposition to make their points, then we have close-mindedness, and that is when they are choosing to be blind to the issues. I know some may call "Hypocrite' on my saying this, and so be it. I have always tried to present my sides without much mud flinging. Sometimes I fail, and I apologize for when I do, but each of us should try to see what the other side is saying and why they are saying it, and then allow them their opinion.

1. Doomsday/Apocalypse fears. Yes, 2012 is done, and no end of the world. I survived Y2K 12 years ago, and who knows how many near end of the world stuff in between, but I hope that junk will end next year. I know it will resurface eventually, but regardless of what happens, let us move on with our lives and plan for a future but love like there is no tomorrow.

Happy New Year everyone.

Monday, December 17, 2012

When Will The Madness Stop

I do not often use my blog to address current event topics, but this past Friday in Newtwon Conneticut, a gunmen walked into the local elementary school where he proceeded to kill his own mother, 5 other adults, and 20 elementary school aged children. This is the most horrendous act of evil that one can commit in my opinion, and I need to say something about it.

As with Columbine, Virginia Tech, and other senseless killings, we as a culture and society debate the pros and cons of gun control, the effects of violence in the media, and the state of mental health. And after a lengthy debate and much posturing, we go back to our lives. Nothing truly changes, and we have yet another senseless mass killing. We take our positions again, and we repeat the process. Once more, no real change.

My friends, we must make a stand. I say this as a former university student who was horrified when 12 students and one teacher were ruthlessly gunned down and killed in their high school and another 21 were injured. I say this as a new father who wants his little girl to go to school without the fear of being hurt. I say this as a teacher who, like the brave men and women at the Sandy Hook Elementary School this past Friday would gladly put myself in the path of bullets to protect my students. I say this as a 37 year old man who wants the maddness to end. During religious services the following weekend, there were threats of violence towards mourners as they sought healing from their religious beliefs and practices. People debate this on the internet and insult each other on a varied list of irrelevant issues. At the end of it all, I just want to see some real change.

I will not mention the name of the gunman. He does not deserve my publicity. Instead, I will work on forgiveness. I will not list the names of the fallen. I have read them, and it broke my heart. I cannot reprint them, but I will honor them. I will thank the Lord for the example that those brave staff members gave by shielding and protecting the little ones they cared for. I will pray for the families who will have one less precious soul this Holiday season. I will ask my Father in Heaven to give a hug for the 20 precious young, innocent souls who were taken so early from this world, and a hug for the 6 adults who did what they could. I will pray for peace to the souls of all men, women, and children who were affected by this tragedy. I will weep for the loss and resolve to make real change.

I will call upon the elected officials of my country for tougher gun laws, increased funding to mental health issues, and real punishments for offenders. I will encourage citizens of the United States of America to call for the ban of needless assault rifles, whose sole purpose in manufacturing is to kill people. I will call upon media to be responsible in their portrayal of violence. I will encourage others to do likewise. I do not say that gun laws and mental health awareness will prevent all future problems, but can anyone tell me how these measures will hurt the future of our children? I do not delude myself with the idea that I can single handly change things for the better for the whole world, but that is not an excuse to not try to make the world around me a little bit nicer. I ask those that read this to do likewise.

This issue is not a gun control issue, nor a mental health issue. This is not about violent video games and movies. This is not about the place of God and religion in our society. This is not an issue of any one of those things in isolation, but as parts of the bigger issue. This is about the idea that violence is OK until it affects us directly. This is about the idea that it is more important to win than it is to be fair. This is about the belief that one can't change the world with a law, so why bother. This is not about arguing over who is right but over what is right. This is about allowing people to vote for the candidates and parties without mocking them. This is about allowing people to believe in God as they choose, which includes not believing in H(h)im at all. This is about one person deciding that he or she is going to be a bit better at living along side others, and then encouraging others to do the same. This is about tolerance in the truest definition of the word. This is about reaching out to the ostracized, the down trodden, and the lonely. This is about not responding in anger when someone offends, but to express your offense with the goal of forgiveness for the offender. This is not about letting people walk over you, but neither is it about beating down those you see as your opponents. This is about living the idea that we should love our neighbours as ourselves, and not worry about whether this was said by the Son of God or not. It is still a good philosophy! This is not about pushing religion on anyone, but sharing what we think is good and wholesome without offense. This is about 20 new angels that joined the heavenly throngs on Friday, and the countless other children who have either joined them since them or welcomed them home. This is about asking us to stop debating about the right to bear arms and ask for the right to let our children go to school in safety! This is about being more than just the commentator on the internet, but being the change in your part of the world. This is about putting aside our differences and coming together and being better people.

Yes, there will always be criminals that will kill and destroy. There will always be the greedy who will by hook or by crook do what they want to get gain. There will always be evil in the world that will prey upon innocents. It is when we decide that we can live with that as the norm that we have truly lost the war. It is when we say that we are powerless to stand up to evil that evil truly wins. It does not matter if it is guns that kill people or people that kill people or people with guns that kill people, it does not change the fact that PEOPLE ARE BEING KILLED! CHILDREN ARE BEING KILLED! We must stop thinking that we are powerless to stop it.

My friends, I have never asked for this before of anyone, but please pass the link on to this posting. Once you have done that, please think about how you can be nicer to those around you. Please ask yourself if it is necessary to resort to insults when faced with someone who politically, culturally, or spiritually is different from you. Ask yourself if giving some food to the begger on the street is something that you can do instead of ignoring them. Ask yourself if, at this time of Christmas you could find one person that you can reach out to that you have never reached out to before. The wrongs of the world will still be there, but we should not just let these things happen. The time is now, or we will just have this debate the next time a derranged soul decides to massacre another group of innocent children.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

A Tale of Haters and Trolls

I noticed a few months ago that whenever a Taylor Swift song came on the radio, Dayton would start ranting about her. It surprised me that he was so...venomous about it. I also noticed that in our society there are those who have to make a huge deal out of spewing hate about various celebrities and well-known figures. Now, I'll be honest, there are some things in this world that I wish would go away: Jersey Shore, gangsta rap, and Two Broke Girls being my top "Do Not Like At All" list, but I am amazed by the vitriol that people on the internet when it comes to the likes of Taylor Swift, Nickelback, and Justin Bieber. In Chicago there is a nasty teachers strike, and the mayor has become a target. On striker has been shown holding a sign saying that the mayor is a Nickelback fan. Apparently that is something unforgivable.

I have been asking people about their dislike for these and others, and from what I can gather, nobody has a good reason for being so hateful. I can dislike Jersey Shore because it glorifies idleness and entitlement and it is vulgar, I can avoid gangsta rap because it is derogatory to women and and it is vulgar, and I can tune out when Two Broke Girls comes on because it lowers my IQ level while watching it (haven't seen it enough to see if it is vulgar), but I am not on the internet constantly trying to trash talk them into world wide web oblivion (barring this blog post, but that is merely to illustrate a point). No, in fact, I figure that if I draw less attention to them, then I will not be giving them any free publicity (again, barring this post to make a point). As far as I can tell, Nickelback is hated because they always sound the same (and yet I can say the same thing about so many other bands), Taylor Swift us hated because she writes songs about her life (which is what most songwriters do), and Justin Bieber is hated because teen-aged and younger girls love him (which fits the NKOTB regime from my youth). So really, they are hated because they are popular, successful, and talented. They are hated because they make a lot of money doing what they love. Smells like jealousy to me.

So, for the last several months, I have been doing some informal research into this cultural phenomenon of posting horrible things about celebs and the like. I have found that there is much on the internet that is...well, to put it mildly, crap. Here is my hypothesis: because people are allowed to post things on the internet anonymously, they feel that they can say whatever they want, however they want, and to whomever they want. They may even be saying horrible things to someone they love and they do not even realize it. They know that to be like this face-to-face with someone is wrong, but hiding behind their screens they can de-evolve into something more carnal. I found two main categories that really get my proverbial goat.

First, there are the Haters, who will spend countless hours surfing the web looking for their sources of hatred. these are the ones who will go onto every YouTube video that even mentions Taylor Swift and dislike it, simply to fight some sort of good fight. These are the ones who will watch the "I'm a Mormon" videos that my church has out and make so many negative comments with the deluded idea that by posting their hatred that they are winning. These are the ones who get all riled up whenever a teachers union goes on strike believing that all teachers do is babysit. These are the ones that you cannot have a good discussion with. Actually, you can't really have a discussion at all without them degenerating into potty-mouthed tirades erupting. To put it simply, I find most Haters to be uninformed and happy to remain that way.

After the Haters you have the Trolls. These are a bit different than the Haters because Trolls purposefully make comments to get people upset. Haters are trying to prove a point. Trolls are trying to get you to react. These people will step into any debate and say inflammatory things, just to see how many dislikes or thumbs down they can get. I guess you can say that I am a Troll-Hater. It seems like the only thing that gives them any meaning in life is to cause others become incensed. Perhaps the Trolls have always been lurking under the bridges of life, but I must say that it makes being on the internet less fun. I enjoy sharing and reading intelligent thoughts, but I find the Trollish comments to be very tiresome.

Before I finish with the Top Ten, a little song that sums up my feelings.

Top Ten Ways to Deal with Haters and Trolls
10. Don't bite the bait. Walk away, turn off the monitor, whatever you must, but don't reply.
9. Thumb down/spam-block the hate. Even if you agree with their point, but they are saying it in an offensive and vulgar manner, vote them down. In some sites, such as YouTube and Yahoo, it actually blocks or hides things that receive too many negative votes. And once those are hidden...
8. Keep the Hate hidden! enough said on that.
7. Be polite, not reactive. If you really feel that you must respond to a Hater or Troll, just say what you need to without stooping to their level.
6. Vote up the good comments. The ones that have reasonable ideas, respectful discourses, just vote those up. This tends to put those comments higher up in the list.
5. Priorities. If you set you filters to show only the most popular comments, you can remove most if not all of the hateful comments.
4. Block the Trolls. Facebook, YouTube, and other networking sites allow you to block certain users. If there is someone who is constantly being hateful and mean-spirited, block them. You typically never read their statements again.
3. Don't Do It. Just do not read the comments if the Trolls and Haters always get to you.
2. Happy thoughts. Surround yourself with good friends, postivie images, anything to keep the negativity at bay.
1. If you ever meet a Troll, pick up a Hater and smack them off the bridge Billy-Goat-Gruff style.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Summer's Bummer

Well, here we go, my last weekend of the summer. While this summer has been very light on the traveling front (a trip to Spray Lake and a trip to Drumheller), it has been a good summer overall. Most of it was spent with my beloved little Barbara. Hard to believe that tomorrow she will be 2 months old! She is already fitting into some of her 3 month clothes. She is starting to notice things now. Annie is her favorite, but the old dog still won't notice her. She has started watching TV, so it's time to make sure we know what is on the TV when she is in the room with us. She is also loving it when I sing her goofy little songs. Ah, things to enjoy now because she'll hate it when she's a teenager.

Most of all, I am heading back to work on Monday. It will be tough, as I have enjoyed spending most of the day with my wife and our little girl. Still, at least work is fun. Bonus is that it is now closer. We were at the Market mall today and I decided to drive by the new school, then drive home from there. It took about 15 minutes. Most days it would take me about 30 minutes when the school was in Ogden, and that was only when traffic was light. I often found myself at least 45 minutes on the road. I know that this will be hard on my colleagues who lived in the south, but I think that having a much bigger school will be worth it. Heather has said that she will bring Barbara by often to visit.

I don't have a lot else to report on. I just wanted to have an update to celebrate Barbara's two months. I cannot say enough how amazing it is to have a daughter. I have had students in the past tell me that they never want to have kids. I must say that while I get what they are trying to say ("I'm scared of responsibility", "I'm not ready to grow up yet", or in a few cases "I'm to focused on me to think about others"), but I hope that they will eventually realize that there is no happiness like that of having a little one that is your own. Yes, there are going to be tough times. She will not always be a little darling, but I believe that as she grows older we will grow closer. I see so much of my mother in her right now, and I know that my mother and I were close (and that was by no means easy). Looking at my daughter I am starting to understand what my parents went through with me. I understand their patience while I went through my difficult years. I guess I hope that I will remember this when Barbara goes through tough times.

Top 10 List time! I thought I would go with the Top Ten favourite Music Artists:
10. U2. gotta have a little rock on this list.
9. Garth Brooks. I so wish I could have gone to his concert this past July.

8. Lady Antebellum. their songs "Love Don't Live Here Anymore" and "Hello World" have been personal anthems of mune at some time.
7. Huey Lewis and the News. They taught me that it was hip to be square!
6. Weird Al Yankovic. Greates parodist of all time. It is a shame that he is not in the R and R hall of Fame.

5. Johnny Cash. His Greatest Hits Vol 2 was the first country music tape I remember my parents getting for me.
4. The Arrogant Worms. They are an absolute riot in concert. I think I have seen them more times in concert than any other group.

3. Brad Paisley. On country radio right now, no other artist (except for the next one) has had songs that mean so much to me.
2. Keith Urban. This was a close one between him and Brad Paisley for the #2 spot, but as my wife just pointed out to me, he did sing our wedding song.
1. Alabama. They will never lose this spot with me. I have been to four of their concerts, and can never get enough of their music.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Parenthood and the Joys Therein

It has been a great month with baby Barbara. For not doing a whole lot, this sure seemed like a busy month.

At the end of June, we learned that the FFCA High School would be moving its location to a bigger, better, (and for me at least) closer school in Montgomery. So instead of a 30-45 minute drive, it will now be about 15. That is great for me. My heart goes out to the staff and students who are now facing a longer commute. I know exactly how you feel. The good side is that we are in a school that better fits our needs. I am looking forward to getting into my new classroom.

On a work related note, props to my colleague and friend Liz Amer for getting married the day after Heather and I celebrated our 2nd anniversary. We were able to attend the wedding. Liz looked fabulous and so very happy. She looked like she was in7th heaven. Congrats Liz, and I apologize in advance for the number of times I will mispronounce your new name.

Barbara has been quite the joy of my life. It has been a great month so far. This past Sunday I had the privilege of blessing her in church. I had been anticipating this event eagerly for many years, and I loved the experience. In the circle with me were Bishop Davis, Ricardo Perez, Dan Oler, Matt Harker, Barrett Swendsen, and both my father and Heather's father. Violet, unfortunately, couldn't make it, but I know she wanted to. Shelly was there with the kids...and a new boyfriend! No word on how serious it is, but she seems happy, the kids like him, and that's fine with me. After all these years, she deserves happiness in this department.

The education has begun

I have learned much from being a Daddy. I have learned to place the new diaper under the old one before taking the old one off. I have learned that it does not matter what you read to the baby, she just loves to hear my voice read. I have learned that baby does not need to be held every time she cries, but it is still nice to hold her when she does. I learned that babies can bring the most amazing sense of love into the home. I learned that complete strangers will come up to you and ask about your darling little one. I learned that one can function on little sleep, but I an happy that I am not working. I learned the real origin of the term "pooped" in respect to being tired by watching her work really hard on a poop, then immediately falling asleep when it comes. Most of all, I learned that life is a little bit sweeter with a little one. I have known many people who, for one reason or another, have decided to not have kids. They prefer to pour their energies into a career, a hobby, pets, fame, power, etc. At the end of the day, I feel sorry for them. The best legacy that brings the most joy and personal satisfaction is being a good parent. You retire from your career, fancy cars break down, possessions can be taken from you, pets will die, fame is fickle, and power corrupts, but at the end of your life, it means so much to have loved ones gathered around you.

Top Ten List - Top ten things Barbara like to spit up on...
10. The spit up blankets (and we have lots)
9. Her onesies (and again, we have lots)
8. Her crib sheets
7. Her church clothes
6. Her Daddy's shoulder
5. Her Mommy's shoulder
4. Her car seat
3. Her car seat
2. Her car seat
1. Her car seat (yes, it happens a lot)

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Baby Barbara

Well, the day finally came. June 26, 2012, at 4:40 am, after 10 hours of labour, we welcomed our darling daughter Barbara Louise Andrews into the world. Barbara is my mother's name who I still miss 11 years later. Louise is both Heather's middle name and her mother's middle name. The staff at the Foothills hospital were wonderful. She weighed in at an adorable 6 lbs, 6 oz. Both Mom and baby were fine. To say that this was a momentous day for me is a severe understatement. Watching my daughter be born right in front of me was literally a dream come true. I feel as if I have been waiting for her for much of my adult life. As she was placed in my arms, she started looking around at everything. Only being minutes old, she was literally seeing everything for the first time. It was precious. She is precious.

I am so much more in love with my beloved wife. She has endured so much to bring this little bundle of perfect joy into our lives, and she did it willingly. I had difficulty understanding how a man can abandon his family for any reason. Now, even more so. During that magical moment I found myself entranced by my wife's sacrifice. I knew that she was paying a heavy, painful price to bring our daughter into the world, and I was powerless to take that pain for her. I used to wonder why birth is often so painful, but when I saw my wife's face when I told her we had a little baby girl, I had a better understanding. Mothers tend to have a much greater and often deeper capacity for love. I am happy that I could provide what little support I could for her. I wished I could have taken her pain as my own, but I will settle for being as supportive in all things instead.

It was great to have not only the boys but both sets of grandparents come to the hospital to visit. While Dad and Violet were there, we were told that we could take her home. So not even 24 hours later we brought our precious darling daughter home. The next day, my birthday, I was able to spend most of it with my amazing family. In addition to the best birthday bundle I could ask for, I was given a nice camera by Heather. The boys got me all of my autographed Star Trek photos framed. I was very happy. Pam Stovel, the Relief Society president, brought us over a wonderful dinner. All in all, best birthday ever.

Top 10 List: Things I Look Forward Most To Doing With My Daughter
10. Trips to the zoo. Hopefully she will want to volunteer there with us.
9. Daddy-Daughter dates. I'm thinking walks in the park, Dairy Queen, movies, etc.
8. Watching Muppets and Trek. Mom will get her on Tinkerbell and Disney princess stuff, but I will help balance that out.
7. Baby blessing. July 29 is the day
6. School recitals, plays, functions, etc. This is assuming that she does some sort of performance art, which I suspect she will.
5. Trips to Glenwood to visit her namesake. I want my daughter to know the grandmother that saw her off into this world.
4. Disney World. My princess deserves to be a real princess for a day. Plus, I know Heather will be all over that.
3. All the birthdays, Christmas times, Thanksgivings, Halloweens, etc.
2. Baptism. Only 8 years to go!
1. Taking her to the temple. Whether it is for baptisms, her going on a mission, or marrying a man who is deserving of her, temples are where families are eternal, and I want her to know that.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Happy Earth Day

I would like to thank the Earth for everything that it has given me today, but I will talk to that more in my Top Ten List. It has been an interesting few weeks. Heather and the baby are coming along quite well, with about 11 weeks left to go. I really want to meet this little one that has become such a miracle to me. They say that children teach their parents as much as they learn from them. This one is already teaching me patience, because I can't wait for him/her to arrive, and wonder, because I wonder what she/he will be like.

Speaking of babies, my friends Dan and Mindy Oler welcomed their fifth son into the world today. I am very happy for them. No word on the name yet. If we have a boy, then I am hoping that the two will be great friends like their fathers are. If we have a girl, then one can hope that perhaps the two will...join their respective family trees.

Yesterday I had the pleasure of watching our school's entries for One Act, and they were all wonderful. Each one has something that is unique and great, but I have a hard time figuring out which is my favourite. They all brought something great to the table. I was put on a roller coaster of emotions. I was laughing, entertained, brought to tears, scared, moved, and just overall very satisfied. I hope they do well this week with their performances and the competition next Saturday. Unfortunately, I will not be able to be there on Saturday, as I will be at the Comic Expo. It features the entire cast of Star Trek The Next Generation! Awesome!

Here is my Top Ten List: The Top Ten Things Earth Has Given Me:
10. Oxygen. Can't breath without it. Well, not very well at least.
9. Sunsets. A beautiful way to start each day.
8. Fruit. All kinds. I thought I could pick one, apples, grapefruit, oranges, kiwi, strawberries, but I love just about all kinds.
7. Forests. I have always loved just tromping through the woods. As a child, I remember just walking through paths in the trees that ringed our property in Fort Macleod. Still enjoy a trek through the woods every chance I get.
6. Birds. Again, all kinds. I like the ones that sing, the ones that swim, the ones that have pretty feathers, and the ones that taste good barbecued.
5. Pets. Yes, animals are going to feature heavily on this list. I have almost always had a pet of some sort or another. Snoopy the cat, Tasha II, Midnight the rabbit, and of course my darling Annie. Pet animals, especially dogs and cats, are always very comforting and educational.
4. Spring time. I love this kind of year. I love having the dreariness of late winter replaced with green, freshness, and life. Having the leaves appear on trees, flowers appear in fields, and sleeping critters emerge.
3. Wildlife. I believe that this is why I love places like preserves, national parks, and zoos. All kinds of wondrous animals have been placed on this Earth. From the elusive okapi in the Congo, to the industrious beaver of Canada, they are all wonderful. I have a special place for birds, but all wildlife is precious. Especially...
2. Platypus. Come on, did you think that I would leave out my favourite all time critter? But what could be better than a platypus?
1. Birth. Again, a wondrous event. 11 weeks to go. See you soon, little one. Love, Dad.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Catching Up. Happy St Patricks Day

Well, here we are, part way through March, and I am sitting at my school’s Parent-Student-Teacher interviews. I have one appointment at 10, and that’s it. I thought; let’s polish off a blog post!

The baby is coming along just fine, but my poor wife is still getting a bit nauseous. Last night she also thought she was getting a cold. I am thankful that she is playing it safe and not taking medication, but this is teaching me a lot about how much the mother goes through carrying a child to full term. We men cannot possibly understand it because we cannot experience it ourselves, but it simply re-enforces to me that we need to be as supportive and compassionate to the mothers of the world as possible. So, I try to make her as comfortable as possible. July cannot get here soon enough.

School is going well. Unexpected challenges give me pause from time to time, but I continue. Next year looks to be interesting. Kurtis, my principal, is taking a sabbatical to work on his PhD courses, and Preston (the current assistant principal) will be acting principal. Kurtis has been (and continues to be) the best principal I have ever had the honor to work with. He is more than just a leader; he inspires us to strive more, he serves us, and most of all he cares. I will miss him, and hope he has great success.

I also just bought Seasons 4 and 5 of Night Court on DVD. They have some of my favourite episodes. It has been a lot of fun. They just do not make great comedies anymore. The only descent ones in the last ten years have been Corner Gas and the Big Bang Theory. Sometimes I wish I could just only have the TV shows of the past. On a similar note, The Muppets comes out on DVD this Tuesday! YAY!

My Top Ten List for the Day has become a fun one to put together. As you likely know, I love zoos and seeing the amazing animals in them. Some of my favourites include Disney’s Animal Kingdom, Sea World, the Bronx Zoo, and the Calgary Zoo (of course). I also appreciate the smaller ones like Edmonton Valley Zoo, the Hogle Zoo, and the Bermuda Zoo and Aquarium. So, with a little research, I present my Top 10 Zoos I want to visit. This is more than just a wish list, it is a goal.

10. St. Louis Zoo. Admission is free, but there are admissions to some exhibits. You can get a day pass to all those exhibits for $10, so it is very affordable. Some of the attraction critters include the Andean bear, jaguar, black rhino, the interesting echidna, and one of my personal favourites, the okapi.
9. Greater Vancouver Zoo. Zebra, giraffes, addax, scimitar-horned oryx, and more await you 30 minutes east of Vancouver. It is also a bit closer than most zoos.
8. Dallas World Aquarium. It is a great combination of aquarium animals and small animals. Tree kangaroos, electric eels, fairy penguins, and harpy eagles are just a sampling of the many wonderful fish, bird, mammal, reptile, and amphibian species.
7. Toronto Zoo. I may need a couple days for this, but I would like to see this place. Hopefully I can see it while they have the giant pandas that will be coming to Calgary later. Plus, other than the airport, I have never been to Toronto. May have to check out the CN Tower as well
6. Montreal Biodome. An interesting concept that has visitors walkthrough various exhibits that are based on American biomes (polar, rainforest, etc). Lots of colourful birds, primates, etc. to see.
5. The Columbus Zoo. Jack Hannah is well known world-wide as being an animal and zoo lover, and this is his home base. Some cool critters to see here include koala, okapi (BINGO!), and komodo dragons. They also have a connecting waterpark (which costs extra) Sweet!
4. Granby Zoo. A great zoo in Quebec. They have lots of cool creatures, including red panda, tigers, snow leopards, gibbons, and hippos. So big that in the summer they often have two-day passes.
3. The Cincinnati Zoo. Okapi (always a plus), sumutran rhinos, and what looks like a really cool layout. Plus, I want to see if WKRP is still on the air. I will have to wait until at least 2015 when they finish some great sounding African exhibits.
2. San Deigo Zoo and Wild Animal Park. I was there about 15 years ago, but I hear that much has changed. Once again, okapi tops my interest list, but their reputation alone is what has me wanting to go back.
1. The Taronga Zoo in Sydney Australia. Yes, the Taronga zoo is in Australia, which is on my “Must Visit” list, and yes, it is world renowned as being an excellent zoo, but most importantly, they have platypus. That alone puts them as my #1 zoo I must visit.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

February Reflections

Well, February is almost over, and we are ending with some snow. Yes, I said the dreaded "s" word and I welcome it too. It amazes me how narrow-minded people become. We have had one of the mildest winters I can ever remember. Very few days below -10, too many days above 0, and hardly any snow. While people who hate driving in and shoveling snow may celebrate this, we often forget that we need snow for our farmers, lawns, trees, etc so that we can have a very nice and green spring. I guess that people's perspectives are just funny that way. Yesterday we had a few centimeters of snow and the temperature has dipped to a low of -13, and people were going on like it was the end of the world. Well, this native Edmontonian shakes his head at such doomsayers and wimps. It isn't winter until you have had a full two weeks of deep freeze -40 with wind chill days.

The cold weather may have something to do with the arrival of Calgary's newest zoological residents. 46 penguins have made their new home at the Calgary Zoo. We have a few rockhoppers, a handful of king penguins, a waddle of Humboldts, and a whole bunch of Gentoos. We got a sneak peek at them earlier in the month, about a week before the public were able to see them, and they are a splash. Literally. One of the king penguins splashed me head to belt while I was there. Got some great videos of them.

Please, check them out! I want to get my YouTube hits up a bit.

Special happening the other day. I finally felt the baby inside Heather kick. Sweetest feeling ever. I do not know if I can say it enough, but I am really looking forward to seeing the little tyke. And for the last time, NO, I am NOT going to find out what it is before it is born. I want the surprise. Most people appreciate that sentiment and let it be. A few keep trying to convince me otherwise. I guess I will have to become accustomed to the idea that parenting, like everything else, brings out everyone's opinions.

On a temple update, our stake has a goal of 500 000 names being indexed and 30 000 names prepared for the temple. It is quite a task, but I am looking forward to the challenge. I have already indexed 800+ names, and between Heather and I we have 33 names temple ready. I have a personal goal of 2000 indexed and 50 names from my own family history ready, so I am well on my way. Heather also has a goal of 2000 indexed. It will be fun to see how many times we can accomplish that. I try to index a batch every day. Some days (like today) I get three or four. It's cool. Just doing my part.

Wrapping things up, the Top 10:

Top Ten Things I Can't Wait to do with the Kid:
10. Saturday morning cartoons. Now I have an excuse! (not that it didn't stop me now)
9. Zoo visits. Calgary and Edmonton for sure, but I would also like to take them to the Bronx Zoo, Vancouver aquarium, Toronto zoo, etc.
8. Reading to them. For several years I have collected books I want to read with my kids. Now I get to start!
7. Stampede. I look forward to hitting the midway with them once every four years or so.
6. Trips to Grandma and Grandpa! Both here in Calgary and Alix.
5. First day of school. I wonder if I will be able to get the day off of teaching for that?
4. Hearing the First Word. "Daddy" would be sweet. "Mommy" would be nice. "Muppet" or "Vulcan" would rock! It will probably be "No!". As long as I hear "I love you Daddy" at some point, I'll be happy.
3. First YoutTube video! I'm not thinking about Charlie Bit My Finger or anything, but I have got to get a couple really cute ones on there.
2. Watching Muppets! Watching Star Trek! Watching Muppets and Star Trek! I hope they will learn to love them and we can bond over it, but I will do my part at least (until Heather takes the remote away).
1. Daddy-daughter/Father-son activity! That would be really nice.

Have a great day and stay warm.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


So, happy New Year everyone! I will wrap up my 2-part blog recapping last year.

I ended up with June, but did not mention that I was released as the Cub Scout Leader so I could be called as the Elder's Quorum President. I do miss working with those boys, but I think they are in good hands. A month and a half later Heather was called as my replacement. And she was so looking forward to having all the Cub stuff taken out of the house! She has done exceptionally well with them. As for my new calling, it has been a learning curve, but it has been a really good experience. The biggest downside: extra meetings. oh well, serving in the church is still its own reward.

July saw Heather and I celebrate our first anniversary. Not that we planned it as such, but we went to Orlando (two summers in a row for me) for the Kagan Summer Academy. Heather received funding for a two day session and really enjoyed it. I attended their Win-Win Discipline 5 day session. I had the same instructor as I did last year. He approached me after day 2 and inquired about my interest in becoming a trainer for the program. This is a great career opportunity as it allows me to continue to grow in an area of professional development, earn a little extra money over the summer, and possibly do a bit of traveling. In school I have really upped my use of Cooperative learning. I have used it in my classes to great effect. I have submitted my audition videos and am now waiting to hear from them.

August had us go visit Anika and her family in Utah. Utah is not a bad place after all. We visited the Hogle Zoo and a neat little aquarium, went on a hike, and had a lot of fun. We saw Rise of the Planet of the Apes, which was the most pleasant surprise in movies for me this year. The only major downside was driving through the mountains. I did not like the constant turns.

School started up again. This semester I teach two Science 10 classes and a Science 30 class. All are going well, but I really look forward to next semester when I teach two Biology 30 classes. The Drama class did a great performance of Beauty and the Beast. We had a few new teachers join us (mostly temporarily for maternity leaves) and they are great people.

Heather and I went to a Keith Urban concert which had the Band Perry open for them. They were both great and we had a lot of fun. One thing that always amazes me is how gracious Keith Urban is. His concerts are just plain and simple fun. During his last song he went into the cheapest seats, played his song, then signed the guitar and gave it to a fan. Wished I was her.

November Heather and I learned that we were once again expecting. This time, we were much more contained in our joy. We were a bit cautious at first based on what happened in March, but we were very happy. So far, everything is going quite well. We are expecting the baby in July of this year. One of the coolest experiences I have ever had was seeing the 3.5 cm long fetus in the ultrasound. It looks so cute and it is one-half made from me, one-half from the best thing in my life. So, obviously, my greatest expectation for this next year is becoming a father.

December was unusually mild for us. Volunteered at Zoo Lights again, but Heather had to opt out as the smoke was making her very nauseous. Christmas was fun yet quiet. What was most...interesting was our looking after my Dad's pets while he and Violet went to Australia to visit Matt and his family. The cats especially have been entertaining as they are very playful, but that has caused some angst (especially with Dustin). I have enjoyed it at least.

Well, the year is done and a new one begun. Here is the Top Ten list:

Top Ten Most Enjoyable/Brilliant/Momentous Things of 2011
10. Once Upon a Time. This is a new series from ABC that involves characters from almost every fairy tale being trapped in our world. There were a few shows that showed promise (Terra Nova and Person of Interest), but this one is by far the best. Thankfully, I am able to watch it because of…

9. PVR Paradise! I like being able to watch my shows when I want to, not just whenever I can find them. The only down side is finding time to get caught up.

8. Don’t Ask Me How to Pronounce It. Salt Lake City has the quaintest little zoo called the Hogle Zoo (again, read the title for this paragraph). I loved it! African elephants in a very large enclosure, some great indoor collections, and a real neat tiger exhibit.

7. I Married a Niner. Heather and I started watching DS9 in 2009. We finished it and Heather really liked it. She became a big fan. Now we are working our way through Buffy and Enterprise.

6. Urban Scene. It was a great concert. The Band Perry was also a great find.

5. Rare Bird Alert! This was a great CD I found by Steve Martin at HMV. I bought it without knowing anything about it, other than it being bluegrass. What I found was my favourite album of all time. I listened to it twice the first night. It features the Dixie Chicks and Paul McCartney, and has been nominated for an Grammy (Best Bluegrass). Best of all, it has a bluegrass version of King Tut.

4. It’s All About Engagement! Taking another Kagan seminar was great. Heather going was even greater. Going to all four Disney parks with my wife was icing on the cake. Being offered a chance to work for Kagan is unimagineable.

3. It’s Time to Start the Music! Best movie I have seen in a long time was seen this year. Granted, there were a few good ones I saw (Captain America, Transformers 3, African Cats), but The Muppets was by far the best. I think it was the best reboot/reimagining/rehash I have ever seen. This includes some of my most beloved movies. It captured the true essence of what Jim Henson was all about more than any of the Muppet features since his passing. Yes, I want it for my birthday.

2. FFCA Grad 2011. I love all of my students. This year’s graduating class was the group I started at FFCA with. I had many great experiences and connections with them. I miss them and wish them the best in their bright futures.

1. Hey Baby! The first trimester is just about done, and the coolest experience of this year would have to be seeing my little jelly bean on the ultrasound. It was truly a wonder to know that half of that little 3 cm long fetus was from me and the other half from the most loving and important person in my life. This is truly going to be the start of an amazing adventure.