Sunday, January 1, 2012


So, happy New Year everyone! I will wrap up my 2-part blog recapping last year.

I ended up with June, but did not mention that I was released as the Cub Scout Leader so I could be called as the Elder's Quorum President. I do miss working with those boys, but I think they are in good hands. A month and a half later Heather was called as my replacement. And she was so looking forward to having all the Cub stuff taken out of the house! She has done exceptionally well with them. As for my new calling, it has been a learning curve, but it has been a really good experience. The biggest downside: extra meetings. oh well, serving in the church is still its own reward.

July saw Heather and I celebrate our first anniversary. Not that we planned it as such, but we went to Orlando (two summers in a row for me) for the Kagan Summer Academy. Heather received funding for a two day session and really enjoyed it. I attended their Win-Win Discipline 5 day session. I had the same instructor as I did last year. He approached me after day 2 and inquired about my interest in becoming a trainer for the program. This is a great career opportunity as it allows me to continue to grow in an area of professional development, earn a little extra money over the summer, and possibly do a bit of traveling. In school I have really upped my use of Cooperative learning. I have used it in my classes to great effect. I have submitted my audition videos and am now waiting to hear from them.

August had us go visit Anika and her family in Utah. Utah is not a bad place after all. We visited the Hogle Zoo and a neat little aquarium, went on a hike, and had a lot of fun. We saw Rise of the Planet of the Apes, which was the most pleasant surprise in movies for me this year. The only major downside was driving through the mountains. I did not like the constant turns.

School started up again. This semester I teach two Science 10 classes and a Science 30 class. All are going well, but I really look forward to next semester when I teach two Biology 30 classes. The Drama class did a great performance of Beauty and the Beast. We had a few new teachers join us (mostly temporarily for maternity leaves) and they are great people.

Heather and I went to a Keith Urban concert which had the Band Perry open for them. They were both great and we had a lot of fun. One thing that always amazes me is how gracious Keith Urban is. His concerts are just plain and simple fun. During his last song he went into the cheapest seats, played his song, then signed the guitar and gave it to a fan. Wished I was her.

November Heather and I learned that we were once again expecting. This time, we were much more contained in our joy. We were a bit cautious at first based on what happened in March, but we were very happy. So far, everything is going quite well. We are expecting the baby in July of this year. One of the coolest experiences I have ever had was seeing the 3.5 cm long fetus in the ultrasound. It looks so cute and it is one-half made from me, one-half from the best thing in my life. So, obviously, my greatest expectation for this next year is becoming a father.

December was unusually mild for us. Volunteered at Zoo Lights again, but Heather had to opt out as the smoke was making her very nauseous. Christmas was fun yet quiet. What was most...interesting was our looking after my Dad's pets while he and Violet went to Australia to visit Matt and his family. The cats especially have been entertaining as they are very playful, but that has caused some angst (especially with Dustin). I have enjoyed it at least.

Well, the year is done and a new one begun. Here is the Top Ten list:

Top Ten Most Enjoyable/Brilliant/Momentous Things of 2011
10. Once Upon a Time. This is a new series from ABC that involves characters from almost every fairy tale being trapped in our world. There were a few shows that showed promise (Terra Nova and Person of Interest), but this one is by far the best. Thankfully, I am able to watch it because of…

9. PVR Paradise! I like being able to watch my shows when I want to, not just whenever I can find them. The only down side is finding time to get caught up.

8. Don’t Ask Me How to Pronounce It. Salt Lake City has the quaintest little zoo called the Hogle Zoo (again, read the title for this paragraph). I loved it! African elephants in a very large enclosure, some great indoor collections, and a real neat tiger exhibit.

7. I Married a Niner. Heather and I started watching DS9 in 2009. We finished it and Heather really liked it. She became a big fan. Now we are working our way through Buffy and Enterprise.

6. Urban Scene. It was a great concert. The Band Perry was also a great find.

5. Rare Bird Alert! This was a great CD I found by Steve Martin at HMV. I bought it without knowing anything about it, other than it being bluegrass. What I found was my favourite album of all time. I listened to it twice the first night. It features the Dixie Chicks and Paul McCartney, and has been nominated for an Grammy (Best Bluegrass). Best of all, it has a bluegrass version of King Tut.

4. It’s All About Engagement! Taking another Kagan seminar was great. Heather going was even greater. Going to all four Disney parks with my wife was icing on the cake. Being offered a chance to work for Kagan is unimagineable.

3. It’s Time to Start the Music! Best movie I have seen in a long time was seen this year. Granted, there were a few good ones I saw (Captain America, Transformers 3, African Cats), but The Muppets was by far the best. I think it was the best reboot/reimagining/rehash I have ever seen. This includes some of my most beloved movies. It captured the true essence of what Jim Henson was all about more than any of the Muppet features since his passing. Yes, I want it for my birthday.

2. FFCA Grad 2011. I love all of my students. This year’s graduating class was the group I started at FFCA with. I had many great experiences and connections with them. I miss them and wish them the best in their bright futures.

1. Hey Baby! The first trimester is just about done, and the coolest experience of this year would have to be seeing my little jelly bean on the ultrasound. It was truly a wonder to know that half of that little 3 cm long fetus was from me and the other half from the most loving and important person in my life. This is truly going to be the start of an amazing adventure.

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