Sunday, February 26, 2012

February Reflections

Well, February is almost over, and we are ending with some snow. Yes, I said the dreaded "s" word and I welcome it too. It amazes me how narrow-minded people become. We have had one of the mildest winters I can ever remember. Very few days below -10, too many days above 0, and hardly any snow. While people who hate driving in and shoveling snow may celebrate this, we often forget that we need snow for our farmers, lawns, trees, etc so that we can have a very nice and green spring. I guess that people's perspectives are just funny that way. Yesterday we had a few centimeters of snow and the temperature has dipped to a low of -13, and people were going on like it was the end of the world. Well, this native Edmontonian shakes his head at such doomsayers and wimps. It isn't winter until you have had a full two weeks of deep freeze -40 with wind chill days.

The cold weather may have something to do with the arrival of Calgary's newest zoological residents. 46 penguins have made their new home at the Calgary Zoo. We have a few rockhoppers, a handful of king penguins, a waddle of Humboldts, and a whole bunch of Gentoos. We got a sneak peek at them earlier in the month, about a week before the public were able to see them, and they are a splash. Literally. One of the king penguins splashed me head to belt while I was there. Got some great videos of them.

Please, check them out! I want to get my YouTube hits up a bit.

Special happening the other day. I finally felt the baby inside Heather kick. Sweetest feeling ever. I do not know if I can say it enough, but I am really looking forward to seeing the little tyke. And for the last time, NO, I am NOT going to find out what it is before it is born. I want the surprise. Most people appreciate that sentiment and let it be. A few keep trying to convince me otherwise. I guess I will have to become accustomed to the idea that parenting, like everything else, brings out everyone's opinions.

On a temple update, our stake has a goal of 500 000 names being indexed and 30 000 names prepared for the temple. It is quite a task, but I am looking forward to the challenge. I have already indexed 800+ names, and between Heather and I we have 33 names temple ready. I have a personal goal of 2000 indexed and 50 names from my own family history ready, so I am well on my way. Heather also has a goal of 2000 indexed. It will be fun to see how many times we can accomplish that. I try to index a batch every day. Some days (like today) I get three or four. It's cool. Just doing my part.

Wrapping things up, the Top 10:

Top Ten Things I Can't Wait to do with the Kid:
10. Saturday morning cartoons. Now I have an excuse! (not that it didn't stop me now)
9. Zoo visits. Calgary and Edmonton for sure, but I would also like to take them to the Bronx Zoo, Vancouver aquarium, Toronto zoo, etc.
8. Reading to them. For several years I have collected books I want to read with my kids. Now I get to start!
7. Stampede. I look forward to hitting the midway with them once every four years or so.
6. Trips to Grandma and Grandpa! Both here in Calgary and Alix.
5. First day of school. I wonder if I will be able to get the day off of teaching for that?
4. Hearing the First Word. "Daddy" would be sweet. "Mommy" would be nice. "Muppet" or "Vulcan" would rock! It will probably be "No!". As long as I hear "I love you Daddy" at some point, I'll be happy.
3. First YoutTube video! I'm not thinking about Charlie Bit My Finger or anything, but I have got to get a couple really cute ones on there.
2. Watching Muppets! Watching Star Trek! Watching Muppets and Star Trek! I hope they will learn to love them and we can bond over it, but I will do my part at least (until Heather takes the remote away).
1. Daddy-daughter/Father-son activity! That would be really nice.

Have a great day and stay warm.

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