Thursday, May 24, 2007

Tis the Season (Finale)

Well, another month of May is almost at an end, which means several of my favorite TV shows have come to a close for the season. This week saw the end of a rather successful first season of Heroes (probablly my favorite show out right now), and an interesting end to Lost, which was an interesting season to say the least. let's take a look at the two, shall we?

*Spoiler Alert!* * Spoiler Alert!* (I'll try not to spoil too much)
"Heroes" was an amazing end to their freshman season. If you are wondering what the show is about, it has seemingly regular normal people who discover they have extraordinary powers, and they team up to try to save the world (and themselves) from the usual death and destruction. It was a wondeful finale, with many of the characters that we had been introduced to over the year finally teaming up to take down the evil Sylar and stop the exploding man. Many of the heroes combine their efforts to save the day, particularily Hiro (my fav character on TV right now), Nicky, Peter, and Nathan. There is suspense, action, emotion, and, sadly, sacrifice. Ah, it was grand! Plus, it provided us a time-travelling openning into next season. The best thing about the season was that it brought closure to alot that was brought up in the first season.

"Lost" may have "lost" alot of the fan base, but the season was very solid for me. I was surprised by the death count, and also by who was not on it (although I really didn't have any clear picks until Janna sprung the question on my part way through the first hour). It was especially sad to see Charlie go, but the shopw had hinted at it enough, and it was a truly heroic sequence. My biggest beef was how the ending made me actually dread what was going to happen to everyone in the next three years. Scary stuff. Poor Jack.

So, the top 10 list today is... A DOBLE FEATURE! I couldn't decide which top 10 to do, so I'll do them both. First up, a pair of top 5 Lists...

Top 5 Reasons Why Lost had a Better Season Finale Than Heroes!
5. They proved that Locke is not dead!
4. Ben got the stuffing beat out of him!
3. WALT! Walt was back! My, how he's grown in only a few short weeks
2. Nobody died because of spooky gas clouds (there should have been a beter ending for Ecko)
1. Hurley saves the day, proving thatus fun fat guys are handy in a fight too.

Top 5 Reasons Why Heroes had a Better Season Finale Than Lost!
5. They had George Takei. Enough said.
4. Sylar got the stuffing beat out of him.
3. Hiro truly became a hero! Plus, he went back to old Japan at the end, which leaves us with an interesting possibility for next year.
2. Molly and Micah, the two Heroes kids, team up together.
1. One word (and I really wish there was more of this in Lost)... CLOSURE!

Now, for the REAL Top 10 List...

Top 10 Characters from Heroes and Lost
10. Micah (Heroes)'s a kid who when he learns that his family is hurting financially, he doesn't sulk. He goes out and does something about it. OK, so he hits an ATM, but his heart was in the right place.
9. Charlie (Lost) favorite hobbit turned rock star has always been trying to do what is right, and although he is gone, he selflessly gave his life for one who had saved him so many times.
8. Locke (Lost)...he has slipped since the beginning of the series, but I am happy that he has started to have faith in his ability again.
7. Claire (Heroes)...Save this cheerleader, save the series! She is definitely not a smarmy, moody teenager that are so common these days. Instead, she is a cute little gal who can take a beating...and a pounding...and a 20 story fall...and a near fatal car crash...and a burning inferno...
6. Bernard & Rose (Lost)...ok, they are two people, but they are inseperable. Even separated on the island they are inseperable. And even though neither is a regular character, they are my underdog survivor favorites. Plus, they provided us with the best line of the series so far: "I'm a dentist, not Rambo."
5. Ando (Heroes)...for not having any special powers (that we know of), Ando seems to be as heroic as the rest of them. He is loyal to Hiro, and has grown alot over the year.
4. Peter (Heroes), he can absorb powers without going smorgishborg on them. So what if he exploded. Hopefully he'll be back for more fun next season.
3. Desmond (Lost)...I do not know if it is the fact that he is always trying to save lives, or if it is because he is a Scottsman who always calls people 'brother", but this guy rocks. Enough said.
2. Hurley (Lost)...The guy who I identify with the most on Lost is the guy who can take a bus and save the day! GO HURLEY!
1. Hiro (Heroes)...He's a geek, loves Star Trek, is a bit pudgy, and dreams about fighting evil with a Samuri Sword. Of course he's my number one pick!

Take care all. Let's hope the next season for both shows is awesome.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

400th Episode and Counting

Today is a special day in our humble household. Amidst years of nay-sayers, protestations, and rhetorical mumbo-jumbo, a milestone will be reached. No, it is not the longest amount of time that Jen and I have gone without playing name that movie (this is where one of us will pluck an obscure quote from a movie and make the other guess which movie it is from, regardless of whatever it is we are doing at the time). Instead, it is an even mightier achievement! It is the 400th episode of the Simpsons! With the movie coming out this summer, Simpsons has never been hotter, and to celebrate, I have included my Top 10 Favorite Simpson Sayings/Moments. I know it's hard to pick, but the momentous and near sacred nature of this day demands it! So, here it is (I will hopefully be adding links for some of these). So, without further Apu, I give you...

Top 10 Simpson Sayings/Moments
10. “It’s my first day.” (Homer’s explanation as to why he commandeered a rogue submarine.)

9. “Yarr, I’m, not attractive.” (The Sea Captain in the episode with the bachelor auction. This is the episode where Apu gets married) Click here

8. I bring you love! (Mr Burns doped up on weekly painkillers when everyone thinks he’s an alien in the episode “The Springfield Files”)

7. The demonstration of Comic Book Guy’s Incredible Hulk Melon-baller (it was returned by Ms. Krabapple after she broke off her wedding to Skinner. Imagine the Hulk Growling as a melon ball drops from his…uh, you get the idea) Click here

6. The Evolution couch gag. Click here for the watch

5. “Oh great, Mormons!” (From the Halloween episode where Maggie is revealed to be the child of an alien. Homer says this when he opens the door to see the two aliens Kang and Kodos)

4. The end of the Simpsoncalifrigalisticespealidocious episode when Sherry Bobbins is flying off with her umbrella and gets sucked into a plane engine.

3. The spoof of the Cheers theme in the Flaming Moe episode. Click here

2. The cardboard battle between Bart and Lisa and the brown shirt delivery people (it is a total spoof of the Lord of the Rings, with music and a nazgul!) Click here

1. When Homer tries to make a barbecue, and ends up turning it into an anger-inspired work of art! (“Why must I fail at every attempt of masonry!”) Click here

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The First Post

What the... oh no! I don't believe it! I am an official................(scary music with high pitched girly scream inserted here in the soundtrack)....................................................A BLOGGER! AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

O.K., enough of the drama. Yes, I have jumped on the bandwagon and broke it under the massive bulk of my greatness. I guess it's time to hit the treadmill. (Stupid treadmill! "Ow, that hurt!") Since everyone else seems to have a blog, I guess I would start with my own. However, in order to make this fun, exciting, and refreshing, and not another silly, run-of-the-Hill blog, I will make it ...UNIQUE!

First off, a bit as to who I am. For those of you who have stumbled upon this blog due to a Google search gone astray, my real name is Bryan Andrews. I am in my early thirties (very eraly, if you get my drift), I am a high school science teacher, an avid geek, and married to the beautiful love of my life, Jen "She Ain't No Hill No More" Andrews. She also happens to be sitting behind me as I type this. As this is my first blog, she is informing me of the fact that there is a place for me to add a bio, (someting called a Bio-Block) so this endeavour of introducing myself is in actuality futile. Well, I RESIST! Oh wait, she also tells me that resistance is futile, I will be assimilated and become one with the Blog. OK, read the stupid Bio-Block...IF YOU DARE! (bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!)

So, how on Earth do I make my blog unique? Why do I refer to myself as the Mighty Elroy? Why does my wife have to hold my hand as I blog? Answer to first question will be revealed shortly. Answer to second question will be revealed at a later date. Answer to third question...STOP JUDGING ME!

Here we go. With each blog entry, I present to you a top 10 list! So, to start off my bloggin experience, I present ....The Top 10 Reasons Why The Mighty Elroy Is Blogging!

10. It is track and field day at the school today and my Chem 30 class decided to skip.
9. Hey, I have free internet at the school, and nobody can watch me!
8. My wife made me.
7. My father-in-law finally gave in to the Blog-craze, and I was the only one in the family that hasn't done one, and I hate it when they all laugh at me because I'm not like them, and it reminds me of when I was picked on by my classmates in Grade 4, and....()Thanks hon, I was a bit out of control there.
6. It makes me feel important to be one of millions who is blogging (resistance is futile)
5. I don't have any kids of my own, so the free time is there
4. My wife made me (yes, she is so special, she counts twice)
3. It gives me a reason to post top 10 lists...thank you David Letterman
2. I am actually doing this to spread my twisted, hard-core conservative values to all you hippie-minded, libertarian, homophillic freaks!
1. I bring you love! ("Quick, he's bringing us love, don't let him get away!")

OK, so there you have it. tune in next time when you will hear Doctor Bob say...oh wait, wrong show.