Monday, December 17, 2012

When Will The Madness Stop

I do not often use my blog to address current event topics, but this past Friday in Newtwon Conneticut, a gunmen walked into the local elementary school where he proceeded to kill his own mother, 5 other adults, and 20 elementary school aged children. This is the most horrendous act of evil that one can commit in my opinion, and I need to say something about it.

As with Columbine, Virginia Tech, and other senseless killings, we as a culture and society debate the pros and cons of gun control, the effects of violence in the media, and the state of mental health. And after a lengthy debate and much posturing, we go back to our lives. Nothing truly changes, and we have yet another senseless mass killing. We take our positions again, and we repeat the process. Once more, no real change.

My friends, we must make a stand. I say this as a former university student who was horrified when 12 students and one teacher were ruthlessly gunned down and killed in their high school and another 21 were injured. I say this as a new father who wants his little girl to go to school without the fear of being hurt. I say this as a teacher who, like the brave men and women at the Sandy Hook Elementary School this past Friday would gladly put myself in the path of bullets to protect my students. I say this as a 37 year old man who wants the maddness to end. During religious services the following weekend, there were threats of violence towards mourners as they sought healing from their religious beliefs and practices. People debate this on the internet and insult each other on a varied list of irrelevant issues. At the end of it all, I just want to see some real change.

I will not mention the name of the gunman. He does not deserve my publicity. Instead, I will work on forgiveness. I will not list the names of the fallen. I have read them, and it broke my heart. I cannot reprint them, but I will honor them. I will thank the Lord for the example that those brave staff members gave by shielding and protecting the little ones they cared for. I will pray for the families who will have one less precious soul this Holiday season. I will ask my Father in Heaven to give a hug for the 20 precious young, innocent souls who were taken so early from this world, and a hug for the 6 adults who did what they could. I will pray for peace to the souls of all men, women, and children who were affected by this tragedy. I will weep for the loss and resolve to make real change.

I will call upon the elected officials of my country for tougher gun laws, increased funding to mental health issues, and real punishments for offenders. I will encourage citizens of the United States of America to call for the ban of needless assault rifles, whose sole purpose in manufacturing is to kill people. I will call upon media to be responsible in their portrayal of violence. I will encourage others to do likewise. I do not say that gun laws and mental health awareness will prevent all future problems, but can anyone tell me how these measures will hurt the future of our children? I do not delude myself with the idea that I can single handly change things for the better for the whole world, but that is not an excuse to not try to make the world around me a little bit nicer. I ask those that read this to do likewise.

This issue is not a gun control issue, nor a mental health issue. This is not about violent video games and movies. This is not about the place of God and religion in our society. This is not an issue of any one of those things in isolation, but as parts of the bigger issue. This is about the idea that violence is OK until it affects us directly. This is about the idea that it is more important to win than it is to be fair. This is about the belief that one can't change the world with a law, so why bother. This is not about arguing over who is right but over what is right. This is about allowing people to vote for the candidates and parties without mocking them. This is about allowing people to believe in God as they choose, which includes not believing in H(h)im at all. This is about one person deciding that he or she is going to be a bit better at living along side others, and then encouraging others to do the same. This is about tolerance in the truest definition of the word. This is about reaching out to the ostracized, the down trodden, and the lonely. This is about not responding in anger when someone offends, but to express your offense with the goal of forgiveness for the offender. This is not about letting people walk over you, but neither is it about beating down those you see as your opponents. This is about living the idea that we should love our neighbours as ourselves, and not worry about whether this was said by the Son of God or not. It is still a good philosophy! This is not about pushing religion on anyone, but sharing what we think is good and wholesome without offense. This is about 20 new angels that joined the heavenly throngs on Friday, and the countless other children who have either joined them since them or welcomed them home. This is about asking us to stop debating about the right to bear arms and ask for the right to let our children go to school in safety! This is about being more than just the commentator on the internet, but being the change in your part of the world. This is about putting aside our differences and coming together and being better people.

Yes, there will always be criminals that will kill and destroy. There will always be the greedy who will by hook or by crook do what they want to get gain. There will always be evil in the world that will prey upon innocents. It is when we decide that we can live with that as the norm that we have truly lost the war. It is when we say that we are powerless to stand up to evil that evil truly wins. It does not matter if it is guns that kill people or people that kill people or people with guns that kill people, it does not change the fact that PEOPLE ARE BEING KILLED! CHILDREN ARE BEING KILLED! We must stop thinking that we are powerless to stop it.

My friends, I have never asked for this before of anyone, but please pass the link on to this posting. Once you have done that, please think about how you can be nicer to those around you. Please ask yourself if it is necessary to resort to insults when faced with someone who politically, culturally, or spiritually is different from you. Ask yourself if giving some food to the begger on the street is something that you can do instead of ignoring them. Ask yourself if, at this time of Christmas you could find one person that you can reach out to that you have never reached out to before. The wrongs of the world will still be there, but we should not just let these things happen. The time is now, or we will just have this debate the next time a derranged soul decides to massacre another group of innocent children.

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