Monday, October 15, 2007

Home Sweet Home

ACK! So much for posting twice a month.

This weekend was fabulous. We spent it in Edmonton, staying at our good friends Matt and Sharon Harker. They have been friends of ours for years. It was a really fun time, playing Killer Bunnies, converting them to Corner Gas, and hanging out with their cute kids. We also got to see Jen's parents at their new house in Edmonton. Talk bout a big house. they have so much space, we should move in with them. Or maybe not.

The highlight of the weekend was the wedding reception of my friend Levi Godfrey. It was one of those "This is awesome, but I got to see it to believe it!" Seriously, Levi is one of the most loyal friends I know, and he is very deserving a good lady to love him. I only met Aubrey on his reception night, but I can tell she is one in a million.

Today's top 10 list is sent out to the Harker kids, who were squealing with delight at the Muppet videos I showed them on You Tube.

Bryan's Top 10 Favorite Muppets!
10. Fozzie Bear - 2 words: Wocka Wocka
9. Gozo the Great - the Great Weirdo that is
8. Wembly Fraggle - I love his Hawaiian shirt and indecisiveness. Reminds me of myself (without the shirt)
7. Ernie - I can't hear you Bert, there's a banana in my ear!
6. Cantus - the head minstrel on Fraggle Rock. Very cool guy.
5. Animal - Woman! WOMAN!
4. Pepe the Prawn - I am no shrimp, I am a KING PRAWN!
3. Rowlf the Dog - his one-liners are so bad they're great!
2. Kermit the Frog - Ah, a very close second, but it's not easy being green.
1. Who else, the Swedish Chef! Bork Bork Bork Bork!

Here are some videos to accompany the list. Enjoy kids!

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