Friday, September 14, 2007

It Begins...

Yesterday we had a "special visitor" come to the school. It was Lorne Calvert, the premier of Saskatchewan! Wow. All I can say is that he is much shorter in person than I expected. He had a quick tour of the school, then spoke at an assembly. His message was a bit vague, but then again, so are his policies. Anyways, coupled with that and the fact that teachers are getting a 10% raise over the next two years can mean only one thing: there is an election on the way.

In addition to that, another seemingly annual tradition has begun. We had an abandoned puppy dropped off at our door step. she is a little fuzz bucket that we have named Kira. She is so cute, although she was much cuter after her much needed bath. Fortunately, we have plans to take her to the SPCA in Lloydminster early next week. I'd show you the picture, but we can't find our cord that connects the digital camera to the computer. She is a Rottweiler cross, and Anne is very good with her. They play together and keep each other company. So far, after 24 hours, total number of messes = 2: both today after school (1 #1 and 1 #2).

Today's Top 10 List is brought to you by the good people of Mr. Sparkle! (sorry, that is in reference to the Simpsons episode that Jen is watching right now). I give you: The Top 10 Bits of Advice That Have Changed My Life Forever!

10. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink if he dies on the way there.
9. Driving backwards the right way down one-way streets can still get you a ticket.
8. Laughter is the best medicine. Unless you are diabetic. Then, insulin is the best medicine. (credit to comedian Norm Macdonald)
7. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, it's time to change my phone number.
6. Children are like flowers. Hope you don't have allergies.
5. Fire bad. Tree pretty (credit to Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
4. If it's yellow, let it mellow. If it's brown, flush it down.
3. If you ever travel back in time, don't step on anything! (courtesy of Grandpa Simpson)
2. Man is the head of the household. Woman is the neck, that turns the head wherever it needs to be facing.
1. If there is nothing wrong with me, then there must be something wrong with the rest of the universe (Dr. Crusher, Star Trek the Next Generation)

Cheers all.

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