Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!


Did I scare you?

Is anyone even reading this blog anymore?

Oh, well, at least I can say that I still read it.

Jen has been in Edmonton this past week, and will be there for the next 2 months or so in order to get herself healthy. She was taking some medication for her headaches and stomach infections that made it impossible to have kids. Since the drugs were not doing anyhting to cure the illnesses, we decided we would try to get her healthy by seeking help outside of the "traditional" medication routes. Sorry, but I am so tired of doctors that are always prescribing drugs as a quick solution. I realise that they have their place, but there needs to be a more balanced approach in the medicare industry, and that is what Jen is seeking. We are hopeful that this helps out alot.

In honor of today's holiday, I present:

The Top 10 Scariest Things I Can Imagine!
10. Rollerskating through a buffalo herd (the mess alone would be terrible)
9. A K-Fed concert (ouch, my ears!)
8. Teaching Grade 3 Phys. Ed.
7. Lorne Calvert's NDP winning a majority here in Sask on Nov 7 (knock on wood)
6. Finding out that Anne has mutated into a vicious killer and that I have to out her down (don't laugh, I had a nightmare about this)
5. Being here alone without City of Heroes, Muppets, Star Trek, or Jen to keep me sane
4. Learning that chocolate causes cancer
3. Christmas holidays are cancelled
2. CISN FM in Edmonton goes off the air
1. Jen never comes back! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Heather said...

Well Im pretty sure that those things are not likley to happen at least in the near future. Ok I had been planning a rollerskating adventure at Elk Ilsand but now you are not invited. Just Kidding. Oh and I was not scared by your Boo. Really, Honest.

Geoff Draper said...

I still read your blog on occasion. Don't despair! :-)