Thursday, July 5, 2007

More Than Meets The Eye

Wow, what a day yesterday. Happy July 4th to my American friends and family. Anyways, back to the story (which I never really got started. Oops). Yesterday Jen and I decided to make a trip to Saskatoon for a bit of shopping, civilization, and most importantly to see the new movie Transformers on the big Galaxy screen. I had originally thought a trip to Lloydminster would have sufficed, but thankfully Jen convinced me to make the splurge and go see it on the big screen. What was supposed to be a fun trip turned into something a bit more interesting. After a stop at the North Battleford WalMart, where I happened to find Season 9 of Stargate SG-1 and the Zoo Tycoon 2 Marine Mania expansion both for really cheap, we proceeded to head towards Saskatoon. About 40 km out, our poor old Sundance (which we have started calling the Blueberry...thanks again for that Mom Hill!) started to shake like it was coming apart. I began to slow down, and then it really started to go haywire. We pulled over and found that the front right tire had just had what can only be described as a spectacular blow out. I have had a tire go out on me before, but this was amazing. The tire was shredded. Caputs. Gonzo. It was horrendous. So here we are on the highway, changing the tire for the little donut tire, and we're heading back to Battleford to get a new one. Since you are only supposed to go 80 km/h on the donut, 40 km never seemed so long. I swear, nuns on bicycles were passing us.

We made it the Fountain Tire, and expecting a major delay I was kissing my ultimate movie experience good-bye for the day. Don't get me wrong, the situation could have been a lot worse. A blowout like that could have been a lot more dangerous, and we were relatively close to Battleford at the time. Still, when you have been hoping for something for a week and realize that the fates may be conspiring against you, it is a bit of a bummer to have to put it aside for the time being. Thankfully, the Fountain Tire people helped us out quickly, and $85 bucks later we were back on the road. And here we were wondering what to do in Saskatoon before the movie, now we were heading in with only minutes to spare.

Suffice it to say, the movie was worth all of the hassle. For over 2 hours, I sat there, reliving my childhood where to the chagrin of my parents I spent countless hours watching the original cartoon. It was breathtaking, exciting, and a whole lot of fun. I am so glad that they went with the Peter Cullen as the voice of Optimus Prime (he was the original voice in the cartoon). The movie was everything that a die-hard fan like myself could have wanted. Even better was that Jen really liked it as well. So although I really wanted our beat up car to transform itself into something a little more reliable, we hopped in and headed back home (with a quick grocery trip thrown in).

Today's top 10 list: Top 10 Fictional Heroes from my Childhood
10. Robin Hood - I still remember running around the house with an old wire coat hanger that I used as my bow.
9. He-Man - I'm talking the original, although a few of the later re dos of the show have been good. By the way, why didn't anyone realise that He-Man was simply Prince Adam with a tan?
8. Spiderman - loved the cheesy old cartoon. It's what now, 50 years old?
7. Kermit the Frog - OK, he has no super powers, is an amphibian, and eats bugs for lunch, but still, Kermit was the coolest for keeping everything on the Muppet Show together as well as he did.
6. Superman - nobody has done it better before or since than Christopher Reeves. I miss him.
5. Luke Skywalker - I liked him better than Han Solo as a kid because I felt I was more like him.
4. Indiana Jones - Unlike him, I don't hate snakes, jump large pits, and win the girl with charm and rugged good looks. This is more of a "I wish I was more like him" entry.
3. MacGyver - oh, if only I could make a high yield explosive out of a paperclip, some mud, and a stick of chewing gum like he could!
2. Captain Picard - this was the tail end of my childhood, but as I get older it is reassuring for me to see that bald is manly.
1. Optimus Prime - no other hero is as awesome as Prime was. He was the embodiment of all that is good and heroic in the world, and he's not even from around here! yes, I still have my Optimus Prime action figure.

Have a great day, and in the words of Optimus Prime...Autobots, roll out!


Janna said...

Transformers was so awesome! And yours is a good list. I especially love Kermit the Frog.

Juice and Jada said...

Yes, I loved Transformers. I was a little disappointed in the idea to change Bumblebee from a Volkswagen to a Camero and I wish they would of had my favorite Decepticon (Soundwave)in the movie, but overall I was very impressed and liked it mucho much.