Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The First Post

What the... oh no! I don't believe it! I am an official................(scary music with high pitched girly scream inserted here in the soundtrack)....................................................A BLOGGER! AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

O.K., enough of the drama. Yes, I have jumped on the bandwagon and broke it under the massive bulk of my greatness. I guess it's time to hit the treadmill. (Stupid treadmill! "Ow, that hurt!") Since everyone else seems to have a blog, I guess I would start with my own. However, in order to make this fun, exciting, and refreshing, and not another silly, run-of-the-Hill blog, I will make it ...UNIQUE!

First off, a bit as to who I am. For those of you who have stumbled upon this blog due to a Google search gone astray, my real name is Bryan Andrews. I am in my early thirties (very eraly, if you get my drift), I am a high school science teacher, an avid geek, and married to the beautiful love of my life, Jen "She Ain't No Hill No More" Andrews. She also happens to be sitting behind me as I type this. As this is my first blog, she is informing me of the fact that there is a place for me to add a bio, (someting called a Bio-Block) so this endeavour of introducing myself is in actuality futile. Well, I RESIST! Oh wait, she also tells me that resistance is futile, I will be assimilated and become one with the Blog. OK, read the stupid Bio-Block...IF YOU DARE! (bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!)

So, how on Earth do I make my blog unique? Why do I refer to myself as the Mighty Elroy? Why does my wife have to hold my hand as I blog? Answer to first question will be revealed shortly. Answer to second question will be revealed at a later date. Answer to third question...STOP JUDGING ME!

Here we go. With each blog entry, I present to you a top 10 list! So, to start off my bloggin experience, I present ....The Top 10 Reasons Why The Mighty Elroy Is Blogging!

10. It is track and field day at the school today and my Chem 30 class decided to skip.
9. Hey, I have free internet at the school, and nobody can watch me!
8. My wife made me.
7. My father-in-law finally gave in to the Blog-craze, and I was the only one in the family that hasn't done one, and I hate it when they all laugh at me because I'm not like them, and it reminds me of when I was picked on by my classmates in Grade 4, and....()Thanks hon, I was a bit out of control there.
6. It makes me feel important to be one of millions who is blogging (resistance is futile)
5. I don't have any kids of my own, so the free time is there
4. My wife made me (yes, she is so special, she counts twice)
3. It gives me a reason to post top 10 lists...thank you David Letterman
2. I am actually doing this to spread my twisted, hard-core conservative values to all you hippie-minded, libertarian, homophillic freaks!
1. I bring you love! ("Quick, he's bringing us love, don't let him get away!")

OK, so there you have it. tune in next time when you will hear Doctor Bob say...oh wait, wrong show.


Janna said...

Yay! You got a blog! Now we can post Lost recaps and totally dissect the show! Season finale next week makes Janna happy and sad all at the same time.

Yay for Ben!

The Old Farts at Home said...

Good for you, Bryan, i only hope you know more what you are doing than i do. When janna leaves for her own apartment, i will be lost in Blog world again, not knowing where to go or how to post again.. Now what was my password?.
Welcome.. welcome.. sabbath morning, no, that's not it.. oh, yes.. Byran welcome to Blogdom.. Jen should write a story about Blogdom, a quiet little town that holds big blog secrets.. oh well, have a wonderful day.
by the way do you know my password..

Heather said...

congrats Bryan! now if we can only get Jon to start blogging.

Geoff Draper said...

Congratulations, Bryan, on your blog! I can't wait until you post the meaning of the term "Mighty Elroy"! Actually, I can wait. But that doesn't mean I'm not curious.

For those who don't know who I am, I was Bryan's favorite missionary companion. We served together in Le Mans, France, from January to February 1996. Or was it until March? I can't remember.

I don't have a blog like Bryan does, but I do have a nifty-cool web site that you all could visit (when you finish reading Bryan's blog, that is). Just google for 'geoff draper' and follow the top link.

Congratulations again, Elder Andrews. I look forward to reading many informative and enlightening blogs from you!

chad said...

Geoff - I must correct you. I am Bryan's favorite companion from Le Mans (although you do have me to blame for not having a chance at the spring mattress). I am the one that put the spring in Bryan's step that will never wear off. An not to mention the fabulous cuisine I provided on a daily basis. Oh, by the way, Bryan welcome to blogland. Chat later.

Unknown said...

I found your blog while checking e-mail, waiting for a flight from Edmonton to Lethbridge. Resistance is futile. And top 10 lists can be fun -- I might try one out soon.