Sunday, May 20, 2007

400th Episode and Counting

Today is a special day in our humble household. Amidst years of nay-sayers, protestations, and rhetorical mumbo-jumbo, a milestone will be reached. No, it is not the longest amount of time that Jen and I have gone without playing name that movie (this is where one of us will pluck an obscure quote from a movie and make the other guess which movie it is from, regardless of whatever it is we are doing at the time). Instead, it is an even mightier achievement! It is the 400th episode of the Simpsons! With the movie coming out this summer, Simpsons has never been hotter, and to celebrate, I have included my Top 10 Favorite Simpson Sayings/Moments. I know it's hard to pick, but the momentous and near sacred nature of this day demands it! So, here it is (I will hopefully be adding links for some of these). So, without further Apu, I give you...

Top 10 Simpson Sayings/Moments
10. “It’s my first day.” (Homer’s explanation as to why he commandeered a rogue submarine.)

9. “Yarr, I’m, not attractive.” (The Sea Captain in the episode with the bachelor auction. This is the episode where Apu gets married) Click here

8. I bring you love! (Mr Burns doped up on weekly painkillers when everyone thinks he’s an alien in the episode “The Springfield Files”)

7. The demonstration of Comic Book Guy’s Incredible Hulk Melon-baller (it was returned by Ms. Krabapple after she broke off her wedding to Skinner. Imagine the Hulk Growling as a melon ball drops from his…uh, you get the idea) Click here

6. The Evolution couch gag. Click here for the watch

5. “Oh great, Mormons!” (From the Halloween episode where Maggie is revealed to be the child of an alien. Homer says this when he opens the door to see the two aliens Kang and Kodos)

4. The end of the Simpsoncalifrigalisticespealidocious episode when Sherry Bobbins is flying off with her umbrella and gets sucked into a plane engine.

3. The spoof of the Cheers theme in the Flaming Moe episode. Click here

2. The cardboard battle between Bart and Lisa and the brown shirt delivery people (it is a total spoof of the Lord of the Rings, with music and a nazgul!) Click here

1. When Homer tries to make a barbecue, and ends up turning it into an anger-inspired work of art! (“Why must I fail at every attempt of masonry!”) Click here

1 comment:

Janna said...

heehee. I remember you showing my the BBQ bit. It was quite funny.

I hope you had a happy Simpsons day!