Friday, December 30, 2016

The Year That Was 2016

This has definitely been an interesting year.

For some, it has been a horrible year. For others, it has been a really good year. Lots of momentous stuff has happened, and for me, I enjoyed the ride. Most of all, I loved the time spent with family. I love watching my beloved little girls grow and get bigger and smarter with each passing day. Barbara has survived her first full year of Primary, memorizing Articles of Faith, and enjoying singing along with the Primary songs. She has also learned to dress herself, and it is amazing how quickly she picks up on things. Just the other night I heard her tell her big brother's girlfriend about her Angel Omi (my mother for whom she is named after). Hope, meanwhile, is talking more, walking more, and getting into typical toddler trouble. It is a wonder to see how two children raised in the same home can have such variety in their personalities. While potty training is taking a lot longer, her chattiness is progressing quite nicely. She discovered a love for the German gingerbread cookies Daddy buys each Christmas and has even snuck some out of her sister's stocking.

It has been a bit tough for my stepmother. She has suffered for quite a while with a pair of bad hips and earlier this month had one of them replaced. The recovery is proceeding, albeit slowly. Dad is once again doing what he needs to in looking after her, but still managing to stay on top of some of his projects. He recently booked the Arrogant Worms to sing for the town of Alix. Heather and I already have our tickets for the March concert. Tara's family is also doing well. Amy started Grade 12, Connor is in Grade 9 at the high school with us, Liam started kindergarten, and Kaeleigh was baptized earlier this year. I have gotten a few hugs from Liam this year, so it is nice to see him warm up to me. My brother Kevin came to live with us this spring. He has had a difficult time as of late, and we had a spare room. He found a job quickly and has never been late on the rent, and it is nice to have him around. He is much more handier around the house for fixer-ups than I ever have been, and the girls love having their uncle Kevin with us. I am grateful to be there for him the way Tara was for me eight years ago.

Dustin graduated from Lethbridge college with his interior design degree, and he was able to secure employment for most of the year. He and Andrew adopted a puppy (about Annie's size), so it was nice to have a dog in the family photo this year. Dayton continues to do well in his studies at Mount Royal, and his girlfriend Hayley is a good addition to the family. Barbara especially loves it when she comes over to visit. I was very happy with her photography skills at our photo shoot this fall.

School has continued to be good for me. It is hard for me to say that I love my work when it doesn't feel like work most days. I have amazing students that continue to reassure me that some good people are up and coming in this world. Our principal, John Picard, retired at the end of the last school year. My former neighbor across the hall Bharati Singh was hired as the new principal, and she has continued the streak of excellent principals at the high school since I started. I have Amy in one of my Science 30 classes which is really nice for me.

I had one of the best years that I can remember. On the geek side, I finally broke down and bought Arrow on DVD. Halfway through Season 3 and I am glad I did it. The superhero TV shows are my favorites right now as in addition to Arrow I am enjoying Agents of Shield, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow, and the Flash. Celebrity wise I was fortunate enough to meet two idols at the Calgary Comic Expo: William Shatner (James T Kirk) and Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca). Heather and I took a great vacation to Vegas for the convention celebrating 50 years of Star Trek. Lots of fun, laughs, and nostalgia. I was able to get Nichelle Nichol's autograph and thank her for her work. Lots of other great experiences there. Heather and I also caught the Teryy Fator show at the Mirage while we were there, and we were duly impressed. I also started a Star Trek blog that usually gets a couple hundred views per posting. The response has been almost universally positive, with no troll sightings.

I have heard many reasons why 2016 has been a bad year. From economic hardships to politics to celebrity deaths, it has been tough. I can't remember a US election year where the two main candidates were so undesirable that I was concerned for the outcome regardless of who had won. As I watched the news and listened to people around me, I couldn't help but wonder if we have not become more divided as a people and society. This has led me further strengthen my resolve to stand for tolerance, unity, respect, and overall better understanding for all. It is hard and I do not always succeed, but it is ever more important. I will freely admit that my faith in humanity has weakened a bit, but my faith in God has become even stronger. That will do in light of the angrier world we live in.

As I get ready to try making beef jerky for the first time with my new food dehydrator (Heather did well this Christmas) and look forward to the fun and excitement that 2017 will bring, I give my now typical Top Ten events of the year!

10. Movie Event of the Year - Star Trek:Beyond. I loved this movie. It was fun and felt like the Star Trek of old. Great movie to celebrate 50 years.
9. TV Highlight of the Year - Loved AGT again, and thought it was again the strongest season, but this year the highlight goes to the Alien Invasion that went through Supergirl, Flash, Arrow, and Legends of Tomorrow. Some of the most fun I had with TV shows in a long while.
8. Personal Growth Highlight of the Year - I have always enjoyed writing, and I have always wanted to write a review for each Star Trek episode. With my Addicted to Star Trek blog I have been able to do both!
7. Surprise of the Year - This again goes to my sister, Tara, and her self-publishing. For Christmas I received a book of all my Thoughts of the Week that I post each Sunday on Facebook. It brought tears to my eyes that my sister decided to make me a published author.
6. Friend Highlight of the Year - Lots of good times with friends this year, but if I were to pick only one highlight, it was the Calgary Comic Expo where I was able to reconnect with two old friends, Rob Clark and Levi Godfrey.
5. Children Highlight of the Year - Barbara has started to learn how to read. Hope and I have a "Hug Cuddles" song that she loves to sing with me.
4. Milestone of the Year - watching Barbara perform in her very first Primary presentation. Yup, she was the one who was waving from the stands.
3. Spiritual Highlight of the Year - Going to the Temple in Las Vegas with my wife and some new friends we met on Facebook.
2. Family Event of the Year - Attending the surprise birthday party to celebrate my father's 70th trip around the Sun. Great seeing almost the whole family together.
1. Event of the Year - Going to the Star Trek convention with my beloved Heather. This was the first trip alone with her since the kids were born. It was well worth it. Really, we could have been on a rock in the Pacific, and as long as she was there I would have been happy.

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