Sunday, January 16, 2011

Hello New Decade

Well, here we are at the start of a new decade. Sorry to all who celebrated the new decade a year early, but as I look back on the last ten years, I am amazed at everything that happened. In the world we started it off with the worst terrorist attack on US soil that launched us into a decade filled with wars on terror, panic, security measures, and 8 years of President Bush. We had the information overload as the internet blew forward and opened us to ideas like Social Networking, apps, and infinite ways to waste time while farming virtual crops and tweeting about every pointless thing. Everything from Star Trek to Marvel universe were rebooted, reimagined, or revamped. What was old became new, and what was new became old. On the big screens we were dazzled by hobbits and robots, heroes and villains, werewolves and vampires, boy wizards and avatars. On the small screen we loved Raymond, investigated with CSIs, loved the number 24, got Lost (though some people didn't get it at the end), discovered Heroes (and then quickly were disappointed by it), and learned that Canada CAN create an original, hilarious, and successful show in Corner Gas. Politics saw the first black US president, and Stephen Harper staying as prime minister for far longer than anyone ever expected. We saw four leaders of the Liberal Party of Canada, each more ineffective and unimpressive than the last. We said hello to some greats such as Steve Carrell, Taylor Swift, Stephanie Meyers, Carrie Underwood, Lady Antebellum, and Daniel Radcliffe in the entertainment world, but also had to endure the arrivals of Lady Gaga, Eminem, Robert Pattison, and way to many reality TV stars. We said goodbye to Bob Hope, Ray Charles, Mr Rogers, Johnny and June Carter Cash, Eartha Kit, Michael Jackson, Leslie Nelson, Heath Ledger, Steve Irwin, Pope John Paul II, and Gordon B Hinckley. Sarah Pallin put Alaska on the map (and missed where Russia is), Peter Jackson swept the Oscars with Return of the King, and J.K. Rowling wrapped up the Harry Potter story. Same-sex marriage became reality, and those who tried to preserve the sanctity of marriage were villainized and trod upon in the name of equality. While our world became more global these last ten years, I can't help but feel that we as a people became more...fallen. Way more selfish, rude, offensive, and insensitive, despite making such great strides in many areas.

For myself personally this decade has been one of growth and discovery, trial and redemption, suffering and blessing. It had some of the best and worst years of my life. I finished university, taught in 7 different schools, taught 20 different courses to hundreds of students, and became better for all of it. I traveled to many different places, tried many different things, and developed many new passions. I married, endured a divorce, and was blessed to be remarried. I lived in two different provinces, fell in love wuth many of the creatures that God gave us to share this world with, and grew to love His creations even more. I made many new friends, welcomed close to 20 neices and nephews plus a step family that is as close as "real family" (which they are, real family that is), and said goodbye to my mother and brother. I have been beaten down, rejected, spat upon, and humiliated by both strangers and false friends, but I have endured and improved in spite of all that. I have more importantly been loved, strengthened, blessed, and renewed by many more who have been true and loyal to me. I have my beloved Annie in my life thanks to this decade. I have two stepsons who I see as my own sons. I have an eternal companion who is my lover, my best friend, my reason, my hope, and my one and only true love. I have served faithfully in the church in so many different callings, and I have seen first hand the love of our Father in Heaven and felt the effects of our Saviour's atoning sacrifice. I have ended this decade on my highest note, and am ready for whatever the next the years hold for me.

My Top Ten list is: THe Top Ten Discoveries of 2010!

10. The Big Bang Theory - I do not know what is funnier, how wonderfully written the show is or how much of the humour I get (actually, that last part is a little sad). I know the show has been on for a few years, but I did not find it until this year.

9. New York City - I loved the Bronx Zoo, the Broadway district, Times Square, China town, and the Central Park, but I truly loved the people of the Big Apple. Their reputation for being rude is undeserved, as I would return there in a New York Minute.

8. Kagan Cooperative Learning - Not only did I get to go Orlando and discover #4 on my list there, I was able to learn a new way of teaching that has been ever so enlightening. I hope I will be able to learn even more as the years progress.

7. Beaches. Yes, I have been to beaches before, but never truly enjoyed them as much as when Heather and I went to them during our honeymoon cruise to Bermuda. Just being able to sunbathe, explore the tidal pools, and play in the waves was very relaxing. True, it could have been the location and the person I shared it with, but I have a greater appreciation for beaches now.

6. Muppet Vision 3D - A childhood dream of mine was to be in the Muppet Theatre, and this Christmas I realised that dream. It was one of the last projects worked on by Jim Henson prior to his passing. I had goosebumps from entering and seeing the Pigs in Space ship, and was delighted by the penguin orchestra and the final canon battle between them and the Swedish Chef that destroyed the building. I would love to go again.

5. Hello World - Lady Antebellum, one of my greatest discoveries a couple years ago, released their second album this year, and I fell in love with this song from the beginning. I was absolutely delighted to hear this song on the radio as a single, and loved hearing it in concert in March.

4. Sea World - I went hear twice this year, which was a real treat. Their ability to blend education, entertainment, conservation, discovery, and wonder was a real treat. I would love to live much closer to Orlando so I could go every 6 months, but alas, I will go as often as I am blessed to be able.

3. Phineas and Ferb - Yup, I am hooked on another show. Is it the clever dialogue? Is it the unique and fun characters? Is it the catchy songs? Yes, but most of all, it's the platypus.

2. Okapi - I first saw one at the Bronx Zoo in August, then again at Animal Kingdom at Walt Disney World. They are such a beautiful and mysterious creature. It was amazing to learn that they were not discovered until the beginning of the last century. They became one of my favourite animals this year (not enough to replace the platypus, but defintiely top 3)

1. The true happiness found in eternal marriage - What can I say, Heather trumps all. I am so blessed with her laying in bed beside me now. Her growing love for me and all that she does for me amazes me more each and every day. I can only imagine how the next several decades with her beside me will be, but I know they will be better than anything imaginable.

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