Sunday, November 2, 2008

R.I.P. Malti

This Saturay, one of the Calgary Zoo's most endearing critters succumbed to an illness and passed away. Malti, the year-old Asian elephant calf, passed away due to complications from the elephant herpesvirus. Only four elephants who have contracted the virus in captivity have survived. This has deeply saddened those who worked with her at the zoo, and others such as myself who visit the zoo regularily and get to know the animals there. Suffice it to say, her passing is difficult, and I am sorry that I did not get to see more of her, but grateful for the memories I do have of her.

While this news is terribly sad, there has been an unfortunate side effect of it. I have read several comments form news sites as to the creulty of having animals in captivity, and that Malti wuld still be alive if she were in the wild, blah blah blah. Honestly, I think that alot of these people need their heads examined. The Calgary Zoo is an amazing facility that does much good in the ways of species preservation. I am honored to have been a small part of their programs, and hope to be further associated with this noble institution.

No top 10 with this post. Just a tribute to a precocious little 1000 pound one year old who left the world too soon. Rest in Peace Malti. You are missed.

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