Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter Everyone

It's Easter Monday, and I have just spent a good part of the day playing City of Heroes. I am at my sister's place in Calgary, and they have a much better internet connection than I do at home, so I have been making up for lost time. Still, I thought I better make a blog entry, just to let the cyberworld know how things are going.

I'm going through a bit of a rough spell right now. Life is trying to throw me several curve balls all at once, and it's hard to juggle them all. Most importantly, I am looking for work in Alberta. Saskatchewan is nice and all, but I am tired of life on the reserve, and Alberta is still home for me. I hate job hunting, but if I want out of my current situation, than I have to get going on the hunt. If anyone has any leads, I would really appreciate it (anything Edmonton area and south would be fine; small town would be preferable, but anything will do). Still, despite the hardships I am facing, I continue to hold fast to several anchors that keep me from drifting away.

I hope this entry finds everyone happy. to celebrate the season, I present: the Top 10 Ways to Celebrate Easter:

10. Play Killer Bunnies with the family (visit for more details)
9. Make rabbit stew for dinner (bua-ha-ha-ha-ha!)
8. Hide chocolate eggs for your neighboours, co-workers, or anyone else who is not expecting it.
7. Write in your blog
6. Watch a video or movie about the Savior (Passion of the Christ is good, or the Lamb of God)
5. Bring flowers to a loved one who is having a rough go of things.
4. A nice family dinner (my brother-in-law made a great ham and some amazing buns and potatoes)
3. Attend a temple session
2. Read the story of the first Easter in the scriptures (including the account in 3 Nephi)
1. go to church and partake of the sacrament


1 comment:

Heather said...

make rabbit stew? is that why the easter bunny could not come visit my kids ?!?!!? Just kidding he he he