Monday, June 25, 2007

Fighting in the Jungle

Well, June is almost over, and boy has it been busy. As I have tried to keep everything going for the last three weeks, I have begun to neglect certain things at home. Jen has been a real trooper about it. having subbed for me a few times, she understands how much work is involved at school, but certain things keep piling up. Most noticeably has been the grass around our house. I hesitate to call it a lawn, and our immense backyard is almost like a mini-field. Suffice it to say, the grass in some areas has become as high as three feet. yes, some of our nieces and nephews could get lost in that jungle. Jen has been trying to get on top of it, but finally on Saturday I found myself with a few spare moments and fired up Janna's electric mower. I got all of the really big stuff, and started thinking "Why did I put this off for so long?" Yes, life is easier if we take of things right away. However, to help ease the guilt of those of us who are procrastinators at heart, I present to you:

Top 10 Reasons to Procrastinate!
10.......Ah, I'll finish this list later.

Later all!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

June, Glorious June!

Well, it's already a week into June, and two weeks since my last blog, but oh well, life is busy for me at this time of year. Forget the fact that there are finals coming up and none of my students are even close to being ready, but the sun is coming up earlier and earlier, messing up my sleep schedule. Regardless of this, June is one of my favorite months of the year! I have a birthday, school winds up to a close, the weather is finally nice, and really cool movies are coming out. My favourite computer game, City of Heroes, is having a double XP weekend in a week, TV has some interesting reality competitions, and the greatest radio station in the world celebrated its 25th anniversary yesterday (check out more at Listen on line and be ready for radio at an almost celestial level!) So, here is my Top 10 List for the day!

Top 10 Reasons Why June Rocks!
10. General good climate without stupid freak snowstorms and idiotic scorchers.
9. We are halfway to next Christmas (there, that should make you happy Janna)
8. New, fun, reality shows (of special note is The Next Big Thing)
7. Returning, fun reality shows (America's Got Talent and Last Comic Standing)
6. Happy birthday to CISN FM 103.9 in Edmonton (I especially recommend the morning show with Bruce Bowie and Sean Burke)
5. It's the month where Paris Hilton went to jail (unfortunately, they let her out after only a few days)
4. Double XP for City of Heroes! Time to get Pepto Abismal and the Guilt Ridden Manits up a few levels
3. In the words of Alice Cooper...."SCHOOL'S OUT FOR SUMMER!" (and you thought the kids were excited about this)
2. Really cool people were born in this month, such as Rene Auberjonois (Odo on DS9), Wayne Brady, Michale J. Fox, Tim Allen, Donald Trump, Paula Abdul, Captain Kangaroo, Tobey Maguire, and my dad.
1. Happy birthday to me (June 27th, send cards, $$$, well wishes, etc.

Have a good one!